Friday, December 31, 2010

Getting Discharge Instead Of Period

jahresendstatistik 2010.

increased or decreased? volume to the first pregnancy causes a whole, then again a lot from.
hair longer or shorter? cm for 2 weeks, 50 less than before.
short-sighted or far sighted? I think I could use new glasses.
had money or less? more.
spent more or less? more.
moved more or less? less.
hirnrissigste the plan? my plans for 2011 were fairly straightforward and somewhat ludicrous was not really there.
the most dangerous enterprise? seen as pure nerves: a child who 12 days of the date, while the man is almost home. but then goes out quite well.
the most expensive purchase? height about the same: a sewing machine and a digital SLR.
the most delicious food? about every curry, which has cooked the man, quinoa Big Bowl, the annual baked apples, all of the many water-melon in the summer.
the most impressive book? would have had more time to read I, If I met another sure most impressive. I hardly had to read, I have to give this star to JS Foer and "animals eat."
the most touching film? not watched movies, I think.
the most beautiful concert? attended none, none missing.
spent the most time with ...? child and children.
spent quality time with ...? children and child and man midwife friends.
predominant feeling in 2010? 's can go on.
2010 for the first time done? a tax return.
done in 2010 after a long time? vegetarian / vegan living.
three things to which I may well have to give up? I'm still convinced that any experience has her stupid sense, because one is smarter about something important behind. and if I's to give more in that sense, I am really grateful to have participated this year, a few stupid things.
the best gift that I have someone do? a frog-t-shirt from the flea market.
the best gift that someone gave me? a digital SLR.
the most beautiful sentence that someone said to me? 'mama! Papa! Gotta! Love! AAAm "
the most beautiful set, which I have said to someone? "look, the baby has arrived."
the most important thing that I wanted to convince someone? that it is right and important to lead a responsible life.
2010 was a word ...? cheerful.


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