Monday, December 20, 2010

Kates Playground-strawberry Bikini

beyond avoidance.

[December 20 - Beyond Avoidance. What should you have done this year but did not because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing? (Bonus: Will you do it?)]

no 2010-specific conditions, but nevertheless: I am a bit too often believe that certain things not because of the child are feasible, I mostly mean is that the children of this and Jende hardships should not be expected, just because I or we do xy want. shoulders I do not like it, so I pretty much responsible in a negative sense to pack up the kids (we can not do xy because the child, etc.) and me (and perhaps also the children, the man, we as a family) a lot of beautiful experiences through the overlap is, simply because I am überprotektiv and skeptical. at the end is the very most of that is quite good, or even much easier than I thought, and as one, which the children which is completely reasonable. and the few times because it turns out an enterprising child actually caused a stupid idea, they are probably not the same for the rest of her life trauma. In that respect I have 2011 (and certainly beyond) are a bit more pragmatic.


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